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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Pacifica AYSO 157


Frequently Asked Questions 


What makes AYSO so great?

 Our mission is to provide quality youth soccer programs where everyone builds positive character through participation in a safe, fun, family-oriented soccer environment. AYSO’s six philosophies separate us from the pack:

·       Everyone Plays

·       Balanced Teams

·       Open Registration

·       Positive Coaching

·       Good Sportsmanship

·       Player Development

 Who can play?

Any child between ages 3-18 as of December 31 in which the fall season begins can play AYSO soccer. Children who do not meet the age requirement are not permitted to play. Be patient – they’ll grow up before you know it!

 Does my child need to tryout in order to play?

NO. AYSO has open registration, therefore, your child does not need to tryout in order to play in a team. 12U and older divisions will have a player evaluation event in July. This helps us keep the teams balanced. 

 Can my child play in a different age group?

NO. AYSO is a national organization with very strict guidelines regarding age requirements and our Region has no control with moving a player to another division. The AYSO “year” runs from Jan 1st through Dec 31st.

AYSO’s accident and liability insurance depends on the players placed in their age appropriate divisions. Many children are in “different” divisions than their school classmates. We encourage you to view this as a positive experience – it will allow your child to broaden his/her relationships outside of school and enjoy making new friends.

When will we be notified about what team my child is on?

The sooner we get enough coaches, the sooner we can form team. We try to form teams the first week of August. 

Teams may begin practice 2-3 weeks before the official season starts. Coaches will contact the players/parents at least 1 week prior to their first scheduled practice. At this time, the coaches will provide all the information you will need in regards to practice times and location. After attempting to accommodate each coaches schedule, region administrators will assign each coach practice days and times at a specific location.

How often are practices and games?

Practices are held once or twice a week and games are played Saturday. Location of games and practices will be determined by the region administration with schedules provided to you by your child's coach.

U6- No weekday practices, games on Saturdays with 30 min practice before each game. Game times are between 9am-2pm

U8- Practice 1x a week for 1hr (time depends on coaches schedule), games on Saturdays between 9am-3pm

U10- Practice 2x a week for 1hr ea, (time depends on coaches schedule), games on Saturdays between 9am-2pm

U12- Practice 2x a week for 1.5hr ea, (time depends on coaches schedule), games on Saturdays between 9am-2pm in and around Pacifica. 

U14-U19-Practice 2x a week for 1.5hr ea, (time depends on coaches schedule), games on Saturdays between 9am-2pm in and around Pacifica.

 The practice time that my child has doesn’t work for us, can we switch teams?

 Unfortunately the practice time was chosen by the coach to accommodate their schedule since they are the ones volunteering. We recommend you find a carpool but note that your child will not be punished for not attending practice. 

 Can I request a specific coach?

AYSO is a National Soccer Association that is guided by 6 Philosophies. One of these being "Balanced Teams." AYSO Regions are mandated to balance teams to the best of their abilities. It is imperfect, but it is a task we work really hard to achieve. Both National Recommendations and Local Experience demonstrate that allowing numerous special requests erodes both the ability to provide Balanced Teams and creates doubt that everyone is playing by the same rules.

Volunteer Coaches will be paired with their children, but outside requests for a specific coach will not be granted.
Unless you’re assisting with a specific coach your child will be placed on that team that is chosen by age, ranking, height and weight.

Why doesn't AYSO allow for same-team or age-up request?

Our Policy is that there will be no Same-team or Age-Up requests granted.

When is Opening Day?

Opening Day will be the last Saturday of August. There will also be a parade for the younger divisions. Food trucks will be onsite too! 

When does the season begin?

The season begins the Saturday after Labor Day weekend.

What uniform will my child receive?

Each player (Playground will get a top only) will receive a team uniform which includes a jersey, shorts and socks. This is required to be worn at all games.

What should I bring to my child’s practices and games?

Shin guards (required), soccer shoes, a soccer ball, uniform (games only) and water. Also, bringing a well rested, well hydrated, nutritionally balanced child with a positive attitude and willingness to learn is highly recommended!

Are cleats required for my child to play?

Cleats are not mandatory but are highly recommended (regular athletic shoes with no cleats are the alternative). When buying soccer shoes, they cannot have a toe cleat (baseball shoes have a toe cleat). Generally speaking, nearly all players at all age levels use soccer shoes for practices and games.

What size soccer ball should I get for my child?

Divisions Schoolyard through 8U use a Size 3 ball.

Divisions 10U and 12U use a Size 4 ball.

Divisions 14U and above use a Size 5 ball.

Why are the children required to wear their soccer socks over their shin guards?

Safety is the primary reason. Some types of shin guards are hard shell instead of soft, and may have sharp edges that could cut a player. By wearing their socks over the shin guards, players protect each other. Also, wearing the socks over the shin guards prevent the shin guards from shifting during running or when being kicked, which allow the shin guards to protect the areas they are supposed to.

It can be cold during the early morning Fall season games. Can my child wear a sweatshirt during the games?

Any extra articles of clothing must be worn under the uniform (so you can still determine which team a player is associated with). It is recommended that any extra articles of clothing be limited to undershirts or turtle necks (under the uniform). Try to coordinate with your team’s colors if possible. Any extra articles cannot have any zippers or any plastic/metal components of any kind.

What kinds of hair accessories are acceptable?

Any hair accessories should not be made of metal or plastic, and should not be rigid. Soft hair accessories such as “scrunchies” and soft rubber bands are recommended and acceptable.

My child just got their ears pierced, what can I do? 

The earrings have to be removed if the child wants to play or practice with AYSO. They can choose to take them out or not play. A trick that tends to work is to remove the earrings right before the game or practice and applying an ointment to the ear. They return the earring right after the game or practice. 

Why can't my child wear jewelry? 

This is a standard rule in all major soccer organizations. It is not safe to the player or those around them. It is not only a rule in our Region but it is part of the contract parents signed in order to register with AYSO. 

Identification bracelets that identify safety issues for the child may be worn but they must be taped to the skin to prevent snagging. 

There are no exceptions to the earring rule. They must be removed. Also, if earrings are worn AYSO insurance is void so the parent or guardian of an athlete wearing earrings is liable for any injuries caused by their earrings. 

Where does the registration fee go? 

National Partners

AYSO Region 157 Thanks Our Sponsors for their continued support!!

Contact Us

Pacifica AYSO 157

PO Box 615 
PACIFICA, California 94044

Email Us: [email protected]
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